
2018-09-26 女 | 19岁
向TA提问 高锡云 已帮助网友:3368

西红柿炒蛋做法翻译成英文:Two eggs, tomatoes 150 g, 4 TBSPS of oil, appropriate amount of salt, gourmet powder, 1 TBSP sugar.
Production process:
1, will wash clean tomatoes with boiling water ironed, to skin, to di, slice to use.
2 eggs into a bowl, will, and add salt, fully use chopsticks, beating well to use.
3 3 TBSP oil, fry boiler put heat, will eggs into a pot and stir-fry until cooked. Remove and to use.
4, the remaining oil heat, saute of tomatoes, salt, sugar and fry for a while, add a few eggs to stir the pot is a out.

向TA提问 熊平安 已帮助网友:3558

西红柿炒蛋做法翻译成英文:Scrambled eggs with tomatoes, the production process

1 Wash tomatoes, cut into pieces on the first session
2 Break the eggs into the bowl
3 Open the gas stove, the pot over the fire
4 When pan heat, add 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
5 When oil micro-heat the egg into the pan, stir egg after molding, turned fried and then put the trays.
6 Came alive again in a tablespoon of vegetable oil to stir fry the prepared tomatoes into the pot, put 1 tablespoon of sugar, salt, a little, then have fried eggs into the pan and fry 20 seconds you can Chuguo

This dish is delicious sweet and sour taste, and very nutritious, for women, is the first very simple beauty dish, so I really like it.
